
7 Keys to Surviving a PC Disaster

1. Recognize a very real danger.
If you’re like most users, your life is on your computer–photos, e-mails, music, tax returns, documents, and so much more. But did you know that, every year, 43% of computer users lose irreplaceable files? Or that 300,000 laptops are stolen annually?

The data loss statistics are staggering. The need to address the issue is made even more urgent by the dangers that lurk around every corner–whether it’s a hard drive crash, theft, power surge, natural disaster, or accidental deletion.

Back up your
How do you avoid the nightmare of losing irreplaceable files? It’s simple: Back them up.
But please note that if you back up on CDs, DVDs or an external hard drive that are stored on the same site as your computer, you’re not really protected.

Take the case of movie director, Francis Ford Coppola, who lost 15 years of writing and photos when thieves stole his computer and his external hard drive from his home office in October. Or the recent California wildfires that have destroyed computers and on-site backups in many homes.

Find a solution that backs up files automatically and continuously.
Backing up your files on CDs, DVDs, external hard drives or other portable storage devices is laborious and time-consuming. It may even be something you put off or forget to do. As a result, your backup may be sporadic, and only some of your files will be protected.

Don’t settle for a partial backup solution.
Don’t let any of your files go unprotected. You need to back up all your irreplaceable files–with unlimited backup–without spending a fortune every time your backup needs increase.

In the event you do lose files, make sure restoration is quick and easy.
Restoring files doesn’t have to be an ordeal that’s lengthy and confusing. After all, how inclined will you be to use a backup solution if retrieving files is painful?

Make sure your files are secure.
What’s the point of backing up your files if some hacker can gain access to your data? Fact is, if your data is somehow compromised, you really haven’t survived a PC disaster

Give yourself a break–with a backup solution that’s easy to set up.
Some users get discouraged from backing up because software setup and installation is difficult. Make sure your backup method is hassle-free from start to finish.

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The easiest online backup software to use, it’s completely automatic... The New York Times

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