
Adventure Council Creates New Agent Training Program

The Adventure Council, in partnership with the Adventures in Travel Expo, has created a training program full of tips and tools to help home based travel agents become adventure travel specialists.

The program promises to make participants "better equipped to service your existing clients and develop new clients interested in active and adventure travel." The educational sessions, which are online and interactive, are priced from $149.

The Adventure Travel Specialist Webinar will take place on the following dates: Part 1 on Nov. 6, 1-2 p.m. EST; Part 2 on Nov. 8, 1-2 p.m. EST; and Part 3 on Nov. 13, 1-2 p.m. EST. Agents must participate in all three parts of the webinar to become an Adventure Travel Specialist.

Topics to be covered include:
1. Current trends & demographics
2. key factors defining adventure traveler preferences
3. emerging destinations; risk planning
4. providers -- building profitable partnerships
5. marketing strategies and the use of technology
6. the increasingly important role of sustainable tourism practices.

A free three-hour workshop will be held at one of the Adventures in Travel (ATE) shows in 2008 held in New York, Chicago and Washington, D.C.

Graduates will receive an "Adventure Travel Specialist" designation to be used in their promotional literature, plus:

1. mention as a Adventure Travel Specialist in a future issue of National Geographic Adventure
2. a print and online listing in the 2008 Active and Adventure Travel Directory and Adventure Council website
3. inclusion in the industry's leading social network for adventure travelers, 4. an Adventure Sales Starter Pack through Adventure Engine ($1,500 value)
5. travel business and tourism marketing mini-course from ($134 value)
6. Travel Business Radio: business, marketing & e-marketing coaching & tips with travel industry experts ($228 value)
7. a one-year subscription to National Geographic Adventure ($14.95 value).

For more information, call the Adventure Council at 203-878-2577, ext. 125, email or visit

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