
Is you company linked?

by Sophie Bujold

In addition to professional profiles, LinkedIn also offers company pages that help you promote your services, events and other information.

If you have your own travel business or market for one, having a company page is a good thing for several reasons:

  • It helps get you extra listings on search engines
  • It increases your chances of being found
  • It gives you a credibility boost
  • It provides a great spot to promote your business news for free outside of Facebook

Here's how you create a company page:

  1. Log into LinkedIn
  2. Click on "Companies" near the top of the home page
  3. Select "Add a company" in the upper-right corner
  4. Enter your business name and your work email
  5. Click "Continue" and complete your company page by provding information about the business.
  6. You're done!

This won't work in some cases...

LinkedIn is very specific about who is allowed to edit company pages and who is not. Make sure you meet the following criteria:

  • You are a current company employee and your current position is listed in your LinkedIn profile
  • Your work email is one of the confirmed email addresses for your LinkedIn profile
  • You associated your profile with the right company when you listed your current position (you have to select it from a list when you add or edit a position on your profile)
  • Your company's email domain is unique to the company (this means you're going to have trouble if you use an AOL, Google, Yahoo! or other free service accounts)

If you meet all of these requirements, LinkedIn will let you edit a company page.

If you don't meet all of them, you unfortunately will not be allowed to edit your page.