
Upcoming NCL Webinars

No Other Cruise Line Gives You More Opportunity to  Interact with Executives than Norwegian.

Every month we offer not one, but two online opportunities to ask questions, interact and share ideas with Andy Stuart, Executive Vice President Global Sales and Passenger Services and Camille Olivere, Senior Vice President Sales.


Every month almost 2,000 travel partners participate in a national webinar hosted by Andy and Camille, highlighting industry trends, what's new at Norwegian and invitations to upcoming events. Every webinar also includes a cruise giveaway at the end! The next webinar will focus on Norwegian Getaway, taking you on a virtual cruise from beginning to end.

Click here to register for the next webinar.

Click here to view an archive of the January webinar.

Many travel partners have asked about using social media. The March webinar will feature our award-winning social media guru, Marisa Scime to share insights, ideas and trends in social media. The March webinar was developed directly because of travel partners request

1. Our twice-monthly virtual events are hosted by senior leadership who value partnership sufficiently to take hours from their schedules, not once, but twice every month. And we take your questions live! We do not delegate national webinars to a training manager or director. Our senior leadership team talks directly to travel partners.

2. Relationship Building. At the end of every webinar you'll have access to direct links to Andy and Camille on Facebook and Twitter. The conversation doesn't end at the end of the session - it continues into the day-to-day. Get to know us!

3. Greater insight and knowledge - not only about Norwegian, but about the entire industry. You'll start thinking like an industry executive in no time!

4. Your competitors are already participating. Thousands of travel partners join us online every month to gain a competitive edge by learning ideas, insights and everything that's new at Norwegian.
5. The more you participate, the more future invitations you will receive. By participating in online events, you will also be prioritized for future event invitations, including Let's Do Lunch, Partners First Weekends, shore side training events and much, much more. If you participate in online events we will reward you by inviting you to even more!

 6. Every webinar includes a cruise giveaway at the end.

 So please accept our invitation to 'become Norwegian' by joining all or your choice of virtual events!!

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