
Why You Should Call Clients after There Trip

Within 3 to 5 days after a client comes back from there vacation, you should call the client and see how the vacation went.

This shows the client you not only want to SELL vacations. But that you are truly concerned with the clients welfare. If the vacation went good then you can tell other clients about the destination.

But what if the vacation went BAD??? This is why agents are afraid and don't call clients. It is also why agents lose clients. If it went bad you want to know about it, so you don't send any one else there. We all have to deal with dissatisfied even angry customers from time to time. Sometimes the customer is justified in his complaints other times he is not, but the handling of the dissatisfied customer can have far reaching impact on your business.

I want to talk with you about techniques that you should consider when dealing with the dissatisfied customer: more successful with an old fashioned weapon...service!

Step one - acknowledge that the person is upset. Example, I can see that you are upset. or I could see that you're upset with that situation.

Step two - make a sad/glad statement. Example, I'm sorry you had a problem but I'm glad that you called it to my attention.

Step three - asks the magic question, "What will make you happy?" Example, Mr. Smith what will it take to make you happy in settling this problem? Incidentally often the dissatisfied customer will ask for something less in settlement than you would freely offer.

Step four - make a positive reassuring statement. Example -, Mr. Smith I'm truly sorry that you encountered this problem. Will you please put it in writing and send it to me. As soon as I receive it I will attach a cover letter from the agency to reinforce, what you have told me and send it to the supplier. I want to keep you as my client and I will personally follow up on this situation on your behalf and I want you to know I will get something done about your problem.

If the supplier wont do anything for client, have supplier put it in writing so you can send it to client. This will prove you did follow up and are working for the client. You can all so offer the client a gift certificate of say $20 or $50. towards there next vacation. This wont cost you any thing unless they book agene with you. It will reduce your commission, but you will retain your client.

Successful travel agents are service oriented agents. All clients should be called 2 to 4 times per year just to say hi. Tell them they are a preferred client and ask them to help you. Ask if they know of any one who is getting married and wants a honeymoon or is planning a cruise or vacation and could use your help. One they will help you get new clients and two they will automatically tell you where they want to go on there next vacation. You gain two clients with one call. Agents that do this religiously are VERY successful. Take action, 1 or 2 phone calls a day, times 365 days equals a ton of sales. I call this dialing for dollars.

Paul Davis, President

PS new agents can call friends and relatives, you can get the same results.

PPS If some one is referred to you, after you call them about there needs, just before you hang up the phone ask by the way do YOU know of any one who is getting married and wants a honeymoon or is planning a cruise or vacation and could use my help. Keep repeating this process and you will NEVER run out of clients.

PPPS Good Service and action on your part will bring you more clients than expensive advertising ever will.

 Travel agent Jobs. Learn how to become a home based travel agent. Free website and training. www.HomeBasedTravelAgents.ORG

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