
The Importance of buying Travel Insurance

This is a wonderful letter from my clients about the importance of buying travel insurance.

Dear Angela,
I just wanted to follow up on our recent conversation concerning, "Trip Interrupting Insurance."

We always buy trip insurance because we have seen so many instances where it was needed. We are Seniors with Medicare as our primary insurance. Medicare will not honor claims from cruise ships, so it is imperative for us to have trip insurance if just for medical purposes.
We were planning the Grand World Cruise for 2008. I had quiet a few questions for Angela about insurance. Finally she said, "Walter, call Holland yourself and talk to their insurance representative and ask him your questions. I called and was particularly interested in their procedure in case of death. He answered my question and explained the procedure to my satisfaction. Before I hung up, I said,  
We were fortunate on the 113 day cruise as we only had some pulminary problems which Dr. Carter took care of. The insurance company paid for all of the Dr. visits - about $1000.00. Incidentally

Recently, we were on the Grand South America Cruise - 68 days on the ms Princendam. There was an outbreak of stomach virus on the ship where the patient was treated and quarantined for about twehty four hours. The virus hit me on January 26, 2014. My temperature went up to 104.4 degrees an d my blod pressure dropped dramatically. During the next twelve hours I was packed in ice with ice water rub downs, they almost lost me twice. The Captain and Medical Team decided that I needed to leave the ship and be hospitalized until I was stable enough to get me back home. We were in Southern Chile at the time.
They removed us from the ship and were air medivacked to Santiago, Chile which was about a 31/2 hour flight. We had an EMT crew of three nurses along with the pilor and co-pilot. We were taken t the Alemana Hospital (The second best hospital in South America)_ where accommodations were provided for both my wife and myself. In about three days I was stable enough to be flown from Santiago to home. Holland America On-Call International set up all of this for us. Their motto was, "You will never be alone, we will be with you every step of the way." They were in constant communication with us One of the credit card companies have a saying, "Never leave home without it." My saying is, "Never go on a cruise without the Holland America Platinum Insurance Policy."

Can you imagine the cost for getting us home from Southern Chile? I will give you an estimate- $90,000.00. Can you NOT afford to have the proper insurance? I think NOT!!

Angela, you have our permission to use this letter as you see fit.
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