
No Regrets.

There was a short article by Diane Von Furstenberg in the Sun Sentinel recently, and I just had to
share some of it with you. In the brief reflection on her career successes, Diane emphasizes the importance of being fearless. Of not allowing the fear of failure prevent you from finding new heights of success.

When she consulted her mother on whether to attempt a comeback or stand idly by as the brand she had created slipped from her original vision, her words were absolute. “Fear is not an option.” It’s a sentiment you hear time and again, but it bears repeating. Diane reminds us that the only true failure is allowing fear to win. “Even if I had failed, I would have no regrets.

I now realize that you only regret the things you don’t do. And I think all of that would have been lost had I given in to moments of insecurity.” Be fearless this Friday. Embrace your instincts. Success favors the bold.  

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