
Don't be That Agent

Keeping In Touch.

By Vicki Freed, RCCL

When your clients book a cruise several months out, it can be hard to keep up that vital connection in the time between.

You don’t want to be the agent that calls only when a payment is due. A fun way to keep in touch without being a pest is by providing your clients with tidbits about their upcoming vacation.

Pictures of the destinations, small gifts they can use on the trip, unique local restaurant recommendations, off the beaten path hotspots. All of it will help them have a more enriching vacation experience while giving you an opportunity to connect.

Not only will it keep your clients engaged with you, it will get them excited about everything they can do once the big day arrives. How do you keep an ongoing exchange with your clients?

Learn how to become a home based travel agent and open your own online travel agency. www.HomeBasedTravelAgents.ORG

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