
How to earn 15% commission on Hotels Tonights webinar

Please join Holly Carrig Global Agency Relations Manager as she introduces you to CCRA Travel Commerce Network. This is your chance to become familiar with all the CCRA products, learn how to access the lowest hotel rates and make up to 15% commission or more with our net rates!

We are pleased to have Eric Tanner, Founder and CEO of Tripwing as our spotlight supplier! Don't miss this informative presentation as Eric Tanner will discuss how to use modern technology to create beautiful itinerary documents that save time, generate sales and increase your professionalism. Additionally, we will discuss how to turn your own web page into a content-rich lead generator.

9 pm - 10 pm ET,  8 pm - 9 pm CT,  6 pm - 7 pm PT

Learn how to become a home based travel agent and open your own online travel agency. www.HomeBasedTravelAgents.ORG

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