
Upcoming CLIA Training

As an independent travel professional in today’s business environment, you realize the value of education. 
 I’m writing to you today to let you know that CLIA Accredited Training is once again being offered at the Las Vegas Home Based Travel Agent Forum June 21st - 24th ! 
Earn up to 20 credits towards your ACC, MCC and ECC Certification, the industry’s most prestigious training achievement!

 Just a few things you’ll learn from the CLIA Training:
  • Proven and practical methods to help you increase your cruise sales and profits
  • Who today’s cruisers are and where they cruise
  • New ways to overcome objections and turn these resistors into loyal customers

In addition to CLIA training, there are hours upon hours of seminars featuring travel industry experts who will be joining us at the Forum to pass on their expertise to you.  For a full view of the conference schedule, please visit our show website,
Register today for the Home Based Travel Agent Forum at  so that you may take advantage of these accredited training seminars. Make sure to use registration code 9364 and get a $20 discount! 
Learn how to become a home based travel agent and open your own online travel agency. www.HomeBasedTravelAgents.ORG

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