
It Just Became a Lot Easier to Get a Flight Upgrade

How much would you pay to upgrade your next flight? Online auction systemPlusgrade lets you bid against other passengers for a better seat. But it’s not as simple as it sounds.
Want to move from coach to business—and name your own price? Thanks to Plusgrade, that might actually be possible.
Around 30 international airlines, ranging from Austrian to Virgin Atlantic, have signed on with the program, developed by a Canadian travel technology company. (It recently added four new carriers: Gulf Air, South African, Swiss, and Qantas.) It works like this: Passengers either get an email notification from the airline that they can bid for a better seat, or they can simply check on the airline’s website to see if their flight is eligible. They then enter a bid price, along with their credit card information, and wait to learn if the offer was successful—usually 72 hours in advance of departure.
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