
So this wasn't exactly what you were expecting...

So that was funny and it wasn't exactly what you were expecting, but it was cute and funny and I bet you didn't mind opening up this email and seeing that.
So it stands to reason that if you're writing an ad, an article, a landing page, etc. that you do the following to create relevance and keep them coming back. 
1. Give good actionable information.
2. Make sure the subject, the imagery and the landers are relevant and congruent.  Don't bait and switch.  Not only does it get people angry, it just doesn't work and makes the business or person doing it look bad.
3. Make it fun--I know a lot of the subjects we work on are not fun, but with the exception of things having to do with illness and death, you can add something fun to the equation.
4. Be genuine.  
5. Be truthful.  Lying about results always gets found out and although it can sometimes take years to build a reputation, it takes exactly five minutes to ruin it.  If you've messed up on something, fess up. We're all human, we all make mistakes.  It's how you handle these things that separate the great from the mediocre. 
6. Care.  I know that it's not talked about much but if you actually care about your audience and what you're doing, it communicated and you will almost always win!

Hope that helps!

Learn how to become a home based travel agent and open your own online travel agency. www.HomeBasedTravelAgents.ORG

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