
Baby Boomers are Helping Travel Agents Grow Their Travel Agency's

According to a new study by Merril Lynch, as Baby Boomers retire they will enjoy an estimated 2.5 trillion hours of leisure time. This will bring a Big Boom to Travel

Agents selling River cruises and Leisure Travel Products.

More people are in the “time affluent” stage of their lives (age 65+) than in the “time constrained” stage (ages 35-44) for the first time in the United States — which means more travelers seeking more vacations.

95% say they would prefer new life experiences by traveling, rather than buy more things. Three-fourths of retirees said that they want to share travel with their children and grandchildren, and a full 60 percent said that they prefer sharing leisure experiences with grandchildren over anyone else.

U.S. Census data estimates that the retirement leisure travel economy is about to grow into an estimated $4.6 trillion over the next 20 years, partially on the strength of new time-rich retirees.

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