
Cunard Academy Launches Queen Victoria Course

Cunard Line has created a new online course on the Queen Victoria, which is scheduled to enter service in late 2007. All home based travel agents who complete the Cunard Academy course on the Queen Victoria by Jan. 8 will be entered to win a trip to Beverly Hills to attend a Hollywood awards show afterparty.

The training course features a detailed overview, a short quiz and moves agents one step closer to Commodore status and the chance to earn one of 250 Transatlantic or Caribbean voyages aboard Queen Mary 2. The course begins with an overview of Cunard's place in maritime history and highlights the ship's features, traditional Cunard offerings and accommodations.

The course allows agents to bookmark their progress and return to the course at their leisure. In Cunard Academy, agents hone their Cunard expertise throughout the four phases of the curriculum, which is a combination of required and elective classes.

As agents complete each level of the program-First Officer, Staff Captain, Captain and Commodore -- they are awarded a certificate of achievement and a pin indicating their achieved rank. Each year, the first 250 agents to reach the rank of Commodore will be invited to on a QM2 voyage. In addition, beginning with Staff Captain, the second level, agents receive the benefits of Silver, Gold and/or Platinum World Club membership. For more information, call 800-5CUNARD or visit or

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