
FREE Trip to Europe for Home Based Travel Agents

Intrepid is offering home based travel agents a Europe incentive. All agents who book three passengers to Europe with Intrepid will be able to take their own Intrepid Europe trip free of charge, land only.

Each agent also can bring a friend if he or she book six passengers (conditions apply). The offer applies to Europe bookings only, with trip codes beginning with A, Z and W. Bookings must be made online before April 30 to qualify for this offer. One passenger booking three trips counts as one; three passengers on one trip each, counts as three.

The incentive excludes bookings made where Intrepid has discounted trips by 10 percent or more. The free agent trip applies to small group trip codes beginning with A, Z and W. Agents must quote promotion 1817 when booking under this incentive. For more information, call 866-847-8192 or visit

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