
Travel Agency Marketing CRM Tool

A salesperson’s success usually can be traced back to an efficient sales process or CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool.

What’s a sales process, you say? It’s the method a sales person takes a perspective customer from lead to a close of a sale. An online CRM can help you manage that process and help you focus on what’s important to close that sale.

We recommend travel agency focused CRMs such as ClientBase Online.  There are other CRMs such as Salesforce or Zoho but for a travel agency marketing tool, you can’t beat the integration the travel industry CRMs have with the existing travel industry infrastructure. Also hard to top is their in-depth understanding of what information travel agents need to be keeping track of.

CRMs are an investment but since we think a CRM is an essential travel agency marketing tool, we’re going to tell you now that ClientBase Online is a very wise investment. Especialy since AARC Host pays for and gives you ClientBase Oline for free. Call our AARC office and have Theresa set up your ClientBase account.