
Are You Ready for Wave Season?

Wave season starts on Jan 1st and last for 3 months.
More Cruises are Sold During The First 3 Months of Each Year... Than The Rest of The 9 Months Combined.
WAVE SEASON 2014 is almost upon us! To ensure that everyone is up to date with how our booking engine works and the latest enhancements we will be holding two more webinars.
CruisePRO, Getting Started - Learn how to get started in CruisePRO. Explore how to import bookings made with CruisePRO  (30 minutes)
CruisePRO Advanced - take your understanding of CruisePRO to the next level to help you and your agency become more profitable by mastering booking techniques for the more advanced user. You’ll also learn the easy to use post booking modifications and some administrative functions of CruisePRO. This class is intended for agents that are currently using CruisePRO to book sailings for their clients. (45 minutes)
Travel agent Jobs.
Learn how to become a home based travel agent. Free website and training. www.HomeBasedTravelAgents.ORG

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