
Selling New York City and Beyond Webinar

Join Our Webinar
Learn How to Really Sell New York and Beyond

Since 1993, DNY has designed extraordinary experiences for international, domestic, incentive and corporate meeting clients plus their families and friends on an individual basis. Creating touchdown to takeoff experiences in New York City, The Hudson Valley, Niagara Falls, Niagara on the Lake, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, Williamsburg, Charleston and Savannah.

Join us and learn how to take your clients beyond the New York they already know. During this interactive webinar, Kitt Garrett, founder of Discover New York and Beyond will be sharing the following:

How to turn a travel agent request for commodities into a travel advisor booking filled with experiences with as much commission as you wish.

When to book the hotel: hint—it’s never first! What past guests say about their experience.
How to dazzle your clients with the New York they don’t know. Questions and Answers.

This webinar is on Tuesday, December 10 at: 3pm Eastern, 2pm Central, 1pm Mountain, 12pm Pacific. Register Here:

First person to answer a question correctly at the end of the session
receives a gift box of Baked by Melissa Cupcakes.

Travel Agent Jobs.
 Learn how to become a home based travel agent. Free website and training. www.HomeBasedTravelAgents.ORG

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