

 Want to Sell More Land Vacations in 2014?

Tour operators say they are ready and willing to help agents set—and reach—new goals in the year ahead.

“If you don’t take advantage of the training and marketing resources we provide, you’re leaving money on the table,” said Paul Wiseman, president of Trafalgar. “We spend a lot of time creating these resources because we want travel agents to sell our products – it’s very self-serving.”

Here are a few tips from tour operators on how agents can accomplish new goals in 2014.  

Take advantage of the online training.
Do joint consumer shows where you get consumers in the room with the tour operator who presents the product. All of these things build confidence. The sales will follow.” – 
Paul Wiseman, Trafalgar 

Empowerment through partnerships
“Travel agents need to make sure they are aligning themselves with partners that provide services and tools that empower them to better serve their clients. This means working with partners that add material value by providing robust and reliable technology, dynamic and customizable marketing tools, and unique educational opportunities that provide relevant, actionable information that helps travel agents grow their businesses.” – John Caldwell, president, MLT Vacations

Understand the products
“To further their expertise in the marketplace, agents need to understand the breadth of product their suppliers possess, what they specialize in, and their differentiators, which all help target and assist their customers more easily.” –Dan Sullivan IV, director of sales, Collette

Reach out to clients
Be proactive and reach out to your past clients, and do it today. The pump is primed for international travel this year and clients are waiting for a reason and easy path to book – that’s where agents come in. Use your power of suggestion and your knowledge of our clients and reach out with a suggestion. Only good things can come of it. – Steve Born, vice president of marketing, Globus Family of Brands 

Consolidate sales volume
“Clients book with travel agents based upon their expertise, customer service and personal relationships. Clients who book based upon the lowest price will not be long-term customers.  There is great value and commission income in booking vacation packages with tour operators such as Pleasant Holidays as we are willing to pay higher commission for agencies who consolidate production/sales volume with us.” – Jack Richards, president and CEO, Pleasant Holidays

Build your brand through social media
This year and every year, travel agents need to focus on building their brands. One of the easiest and least expensive ways is through social media channels. Nearly nine in 10 people under 34 are using Facebook as inspiration when planning leisure travel. Nearly 70% of these potential clients are not only using social media to plan their vacations, they’re also using it during and after their trips; all opportunities for them as advocates of your business to sing your praises to friends and family.” – John Caldwell, MLT Vacations

Get Europe clients off the fence
Encourage clients who are interested in Europe to get off the fence and book now.  We are trying to stimulate early business with our Early Payment Discounts which save agents’ clients up to 10%. “– Marc Kazlauskas, president, Insight Vacations

Travel Agent Jobs.
Learn how to become a home based travel agent. Free website and training. www.HomeBasedTravelAgents.ORG

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