
Travel Agent’s Guide to Dealing with Difficult Customers

When you are in the service industry, it’s just a matter of time until you will come face-to-face with difficult clients. They can be irate, indecisive, demanding, and sometimes a little inconsiderate on how much of your time they are wasting. The advantage of being your own boss as a home-based travel agent is the ability to be flexible with your time and you do not immediately have to cut your ties with a difficult client. As long as you can keep a cool head on your shoulders and you are confident enough to deal with their demands, you can close a deal with even the most impossible-to-please people. Here are a few helpful tips you can use.

5 Things to Remember when Faced with Demanding Clients

First thing is first, no matter how many time you’ve heard it, the client is NOT always right, but you have to remember to maintain a sense of professionalism, no matter how difficult clients can get. Your reputation is your calling card after all.

Second, don’t argue. Resist this temptation and leave your personal feelings aside. Never stoop to personal attacks, even if the customer has.

Third, try to avoid negative words. Using words like “can’t”, “won’t”, or “impossible” will agitate the customer and convince them that you do not want to serve them.

Fourth, offer solutions. When the time comes that you cannot give the customer what they want, give them other options. Allow them to choose from your suggestions as a substitute.

Fifth and final tip, give the customer a chance to propose his or her own alternative suggestion. This shows that you are willing to work with them and that you are considering their opinions in the matter.

There are different kinds of customers you have to deal with. The proper travel agent classes and courses, can teach you how to deal with difficult customers with professionalism and poise. You might even end up closing a deal with them.

Learn how to become a home based travel agent and open your own online travel agency. www.HomeBasedTravelAgents.ORG

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