
Expedia Cruise Travel Agent Training

Perfecting "That Thing You Do"
to Stand Out From The Crowd
At Expedia CruiseShipCenters, we believe in creating memorable vacation experiences for our clients so they'll come back to us to book their travel over and over again.

Each of our 3,700 agents has something unique to offer their clients – whether it's expertise on a certain destination, or the outstanding service they provide. You'll be surprised by what you can achieve by taking small actions to build your personal brand and stand out among your competitors.
Marketing guru and bestselling author Seth Godin calls this branding technique your "Purple Cow". This term represents what you can achieve by standing out as you strive to become remarkable at "that thing you do". And if it's the right thing, people will continue to come to you for it.
Here are some of the Purple Cows our agents have been doing to positively brand themselves:
One agent utilizes his photography skills to attract new customers by offering free seminars on "How to Take Great Vacation Pictures"
Another agent caters her "About Me" page to show her passion for helping couples experience a destination wedding by updating it with testimonials from her past wedding destination groups
A travel agent offers seminars on the "10 Best Ways to Bypass Disney Lines"
A travel agent writes monthly articles on "How to Pack for Extended Trips"
Branding is not just for large organizations, it's a necessary process for all businesses and individuals who want to stand out and attract the right type of customer. Don't make your branding ideas too complicated – start with something simple like any of the ideas above, and take that first step immediately. Over time, your brand will have your customers raving about "That Thing You Do."
Expedia CruiseShipCenters' systems, support and training provides you with all of the tools you need to build your professional brand. Learn more about Consultant Opportunities in your area by attending one of our upcoming webinars. RSVP now or choose the session to the top right that best suits your schedule.